Chapter 4 | Advanced Configuration |
Select this option if you want to use SNMPv3. Then configure the following:
User Name Enter the name of the user who receives SNMP notifications.
Security Level Select No Authentication if no authentication or privacy security levels are specified. Select Authentication if SNMP message origins are authenticated. Select Privacy SNMP messages are authenticated and encrypted.
Click Add to List, and configure as many entries as you would like, up to a maximum of 10.
SNMPv1,2 Table
The SNMPv1,2 entries are listed. To delete an entry, select it and click Delete.
SNMPv3 Table
The SNMPv3 entries are listed. To delete an entry, select it and click Delete.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel Changes to undo them.
Log > System Log
Configure the Router’s log settings, so you can specify how you want its activity logs handled.
Log > System Log
System Log
Syslog is a standard protocol used to capture information about network activity. The Router supports this protocol and can send its activity logs to an external server.
Enable Syslog Select this option to enable the Router’s Syslog feature.
Syslog Server In addition to the standard event log, the Router can send a detailed log to an external Syslog server. The Router’s Syslog captures all log activities and includes this information about all data transmissions: every connection source and destination IP address, IP service, and number of bytes transferred. Enter the Syslog server name or IP address. Click Save Settings to save your changes, and then restart the Router for the changes to take effect.
You may want logs or alert messages to be
Mail Server If you want any log or alert information
User Name Enter the user name for authentication.
Password Enter the password for authentication.
Log Queue Length You can designate the length of the log that will be
Log Time Threshold You can designate how often the log will be
The Router will
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