Cisco Systems RVL200 manual Port SSL/IPSec VPN Router 108

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Appendix S

Regulatory Information

Português (Portuguese) - Informação ambiental para clientes da União Europeia

A Directiva Europeia 2002/96/CE exige que o equipamento que exibe este símbolo no produto e/ou na sua embalagem não seja eliminado junto com os resíduos municipais não separados. O símbolo indica que este produto deve ser eliminado separadamente dos resíduos domésticos regulares.

Éda sua responsabilidade eliminar este e qualquer outro equipamento eléctrico e electrónico através das instalações de recolha designadas pelas autoridades governamentais ou locais. A eliminação e reciclagem correctas ajudarão a prevenir as consequências negativas para o ambiente e para a saúde humana. Para obter informações mais detalhadas sobre a forma de eliminar o seu equipamento antigo, contacte as autoridades locais, os serviços de eliminação de resíduos ou o estabelecimento comercial onde adquiriu o produto.

Română (Romanian) - Informaţii de mediu pentru clienţii din Uniunea Europeană

Directiva europeană 2002/96/CE impune ca echipamentele care prezintă acest simbol pe produs şi/sau pe ambalajul acestuia să nu fie casate împreună cu gunoiul menajer municipal. Simbolul indică faptul că acest produs trebuie să fie casat separat de gunoiul menajer obişnuit. Este responsabilitatea dvs. să casaţi acest produs şi alte echipamente electrice şi electronice prin intermediul unităţilor de colectare special desemnate de guvern sau de autorităţile locale. Casarea şi reciclarea corecte vor ajuta la prevenirea potenţialelor consecinţe negative asupra sănătăţii mediului şi a oamenilor. Pentru mai multe informaţii detaliate cu privire la casarea acestui echipament vechi, contactaţi autorităţile locale, serviciul de salubrizare sau magazinul de la care aţi achiziţionat produsul.

Slovenčina (Slovak) - Informácie o ochrane životného prostredia pre zákazníkov v Európskej únii

Podľa európskej smernice 2002/96/ES zariadenie s týmto symbolom na produkte a/alebo jeho balení nesmie byť likvidované spolu s netriedeným komunálnym odpadom. Symbol znamená, že produkt by sa mal likvidovať oddelene od bežného odpadu z domácností. Je vašou povinnosťou likvidovať toto i ostatné elektrické a elektronické zariadenia prostredníctvom špecializovaných zberných zariadení určených vládou alebo miestnymi orgánmi. Správna likvidácia a recyklácia pomôže zabrániť prípadným negatívnym dopadom na životné prostredie a zdravie ľudí. Ak máte záujem o podrobnejšie informácie o likvidácii starého zariadenia, obráťte sa, prosím, na miestne orgány, organizácie zaoberajúce sa likvidáciou odpadov alebo obchod, v ktorom ste si produkt zakúpili.

Slovenčina (Slovene) - Okoljske informacije za stranke v Evropski uniji

Evropska direktiva 2002/96/EC prepoveduje odlaganje opreme, označene s tem simbolom – na izdelku in/ali na embalaži – med običajne, nerazvrščene odpadke. Ta simbol opozarja, da je treba izdelek odvreči ločeno od preostalih gospodinjskih odpadkov. Vaša odgovornost je, da to in preostalo električno in elektronsko opremo odnesete na posebna zbirališča, ki jih določijo državne ustanove ali lokalna uprava. S pravilnim odlaganjem in recikliranjem boste preprečili morebitne škodljive vplive na okolje in zdravje ljudi. Če želite izvedeti več o odlaganju stare opreme, se obrnite na lokalno upravo, odpad ali trgovino, kjer ste izdelek kupili.

Suomi (Finnish) - Ympäristöä koskevia tietoja EU- alueen asiakkaille

EU-direktiivi 2002/96/EY edellyttää, että jos laitteistossa on tämä symboli itse tuotteessa ja/tai sen pakkauksessa, laitteistoa ei saa hävittää lajittelemattoman yhdyskuntajätteen mukana. Symboli merkitsee sitä, että tämä tuote on hävitettävä erillään tavallisesta kotitalousjätteestä. Sinun vastuullasi on hävittää tämä elektroniikkatuote ja muut vastaavat elektroniikkatuotteet viemällä tuote tai tuotteet viranomaisten määräämään keräyspisteeseen. Laitteiston oikea hävittäminen estää mahdolliset kielteiset vaikutukset ympäristöön ja ihmisten terveyteen. Lisätietoja vanhan laitteiston oikeasta hävitystavasta saa paikallisilta viranomaisilta, jätteenhävityspalvelusta tai siitä myymälästä, josta ostit tuotteen.

Svenska (Swedish) - Miljöinformation för kunder i Europeiska unionen

Det europeiska direktivet 2002/96/EC kräver att utrustning med denna symbol på produkten och/eller förpackningen inte får kastas med osorterat kommunalt avfall. Symbolen visar att denna produktbörkastasefterattdenavskiljtsfrånvanligthushållsavfall. Det faller på ditt ansvar att kasta denna och annan elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning på fastställda insamlingsplatser utsedda av regeringen eller lokala myndigheter. Korrekt kassering och återvinning skyddar mot eventuella negativa konsekvenser för miljön och personhälsa. För mer detaljerad information om kassering av din gamla utrustning kontaktar du dina lokala myndigheter, avfallshanteringen eller butiken där du köpte produkten.

WEB: For additional information, please visit

4-Port SSL/IPSec VPN Router


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Contents Port SSL/IPSec VPN Router About This Guide About This GuideTable of Contents Ddns IPSec VPN Gateway to Gateway Appendix E User for the Active Directory Server Appendix C Bandwidth ManagementAppendix D Active Directory Server Appendix L Multiple VLANs with Computers Appendix I Gateway-to-Gateway VPN TunnelAppendix J IPSec NAT Traversal Appendix O Firmware Upgrade Appendix P Battery ReplacementAppendix Q Specifications Appendix M Multiple VLANs and SubnetsChapter Chapter IntroductionIntroduction Introduction to the RouterComputer using SSL VPN client software to VPN Router Chapter Product Overview Product OverviewFront Panel Back PanelPhysical Installation Chapter InstallationInstallation Cable Connection Chapter Advanced Configuration Advanced ConfigurationOverview Before You BeginHow to Access the Web-Based Utility Click Security Select Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSLSystem Summary System InformationNetwork Setting Status Firewall Setting StatusIPSec VPN Setting Status SSL VPN Setting StatusSetup Tab Network LAN SettingNetwork WAN Connection TypeStatic IP PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over EthernetSetup Password Pptp Point-to-Point Tunneling ProtocolSetup Time Setup DMZ HostPassword TimeSetup Tab Forwarding ForwardingPort Range Forwarding Port TriggeringSetup UPnP UPnPOne-to-One NAT Setup One-to-One NATSetup MAC Clone Setup Ddns Setup Advanced RoutingMAC Clone Advanced RoutingDhcp Setup Static RoutingStatic IP SetupDynamic IP Dhcp Status StatusDhcp Multiple VLANs Multiple VLANsSystem Management Diagnostic DiagnosticDhcp Inter-VLAN Routing Inter-VLAN RoutingFactory Default Firmware UpgradeSystem Management Restart Firmware DownloadImport Configuration File Export Configuration FileSystem Management Port Mirroring RestartPort Management Port Setup Basic Per Port ConfigPort Management Port Status Port StatusPort Management Port Setting Port SettingPort Management Create Vlan Create VlanBandwidth Management QoS Bandwidth ManagementVlan Membership Rate Control PriorityQoS QoS Setup QoS SetupQoS Mode Trust Mode Default CoSQoS Queue Settings QoS Dscp SettingsQueue Settings CoS SettingsDscp Settings Firewall GeneralGeneral Dscp to QueueRestrict WEB Features Firewall Access RulesAccess Rules Add a New Access Rule ServicesFirewall Content Filter Content FilterScheduling IP/MAC GroupIPSec VPN Summary Forbidden DomainsWebsite Blocking by Keywords IP AddressLocal Group Setup IPSec VPN Gateway to GatewaySummary Add a New TunnelRemote Security Gateway Type Remote Group SetupLocal Security Group Type Remote Security Group Type IPSec Setup IKE with Preshared KeyAdvanced IPSec VPN VPN Pass Through SSL VPN SummarySSL VPN Certificate Management VPN Pass ThroughAuthentication Type SSL VPN User ManagementUser Management Edit GroupSSL VPN Virtual Passage Edit UserGlobal Parameters Snmp Global ParametersVirtual Passage Snmp Views Snmp Group ProfileViews Group ProfileSnmp Group Membership Snmp CommunitiesGroup Membership CommunitiesSnmp Notification Recipient Notification RecipientLog System Log System LogLog Setting Log System StatisticsAlert Log General LogBasic Setup WizardObtain an IP automatically PPPoEAccess Rule Setup Select the Service Support LogoutManual Linksys Web SiteLogout Appendix a Appendix a TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Before You Begin Windows OS Appendix BAppendix B Virtual Passage SSL VPN Client Make the SSL VPN Portal a Trusted Site Windows OS Click Trusted sitesInstallation of the Virtual Passage Client Windows OS Login for the SSL VPN Portal Windows OSWhen you right-click the icon, you have three options Click Continue AnywayWindows Vista Usage Installation of the Virtual Passage Client Mac OSLogin for the SSL VPN Portal Mac OS Removal of the Virtual Passage Client Mac OS Click ContinueBefore You Begin Linux OS Installation of the Virtual Passage Client Linux OSLogin for the SSL VPN Portal Linux OS Removal of the Virtual Passage Client Linux OS Creation of New Services Appendix CAppendix C Bandwidth Management Bandwidth ManagementClick Save Settings Creation of New Bandwidth Management RulesActive Directory Server Appendix DAppendix D Active Directory Server Select Domain in a new forest, and then click Next Enter a domain name, and then click Next Active Directory Server Troubleshooting Appendix E Appendix E User for the Active Directory ServerUser for the Active Directory Server Appendix F Internet Authentication Service IAS Server Appendix FInternet Authentication Service IAS Server Select Unencrypted authentication. Click Apply Click Finish Welcome to the New Connection Request Policy Wizard Click Edit Profile Appendix G Click the User Management tabSelect HTTPSTCP/443~443 from the Service drop- down menu Appendix HAppendix H Deployment in an Existing Network LAN-to-LAN ConnectionWAN-to-LAN Connection Configuration of the RVL200 AppendixAppendix Gateway-to-Gateway VPN Tunnel Click the Gateway to Gateway tabConfiguration of the RV082 Configuration of PC 1 and PCRV082 RVL200 Dynamic IP B.B.B.B with Configuration when Both Gateways Use Dynamic IP Addresses Appendix Configuration of Scenario Configuration of Router aAppendix J Appendix J IPSec NAT TraversalConfiguration of Router B IPSec NAT TraversalOne-to-One NAT Rule on NAT 2 RV042 One-to-One NAT Rule on NAT 1 RV042Configuration of Router a Configuration of Multiple RVL200-to-RV042 ConfigurationAppendix K Appendix KClick the Advanced Routing tab RV042 #1 ConfigurationClick Save Setting RV042 #2 Configuration RVL200-to-SRW2048 Configuration Appendix LAppendix L Multiple VLANs with Computers Click the Port Management tabClick Save Settings Click the Vlan Membership tab SRW2048 ConfigurationSelect Enable Vlan RVL200 Configuration Appendix MAppendix M Multiple VLANsInter-VLAN Routing Option Click the Inter-VLAN Routing tabAccess of Multiple VLANs Appendix NAppendix N Over a SSL VPN TunnelAppendix O Appendix O Firmware UpgradeFirmware Upgrade Upgrade the Firmware Click the Firmware Upgrade tabAppendix P Battery Replacement Battery ReplacementReplace the Lithium Battery Appendix PAppendix Q Appendix Q SpecificationsSpecifications Appendix R Warranty InformationLimited Warranty Appendix S Regulatory InformationDansk Danish Miljøinformation for kunder i EU Port SSL/IPSec VPN Router 106 Norsk Norwegian Miljøinformasjon for kunder i EU Port SSL/IPSec VPN Router 108 Appendix T Contact Information