Welcome to the Cabletron Systems
Note: This manual uses the term TRXI to describe the TRXI
The following summary provides information about each chapter in this manual. Read through the summary to familiarize yourself with this manual’s organization and content.
Chapter 1, Introduction, outlines the contents of this manual and briefly describes features of the TRXI.
Chapter 2, Requirements/Specifications, describes cabling requirements, network guidelines, and TRXI operating specifications.
Chapter 3, Installation, contains instructions for installing your TRXI and connecting it to the network using the various media types. This chapter includes instructions for setting the Ring Speed Switch, setting the NVRAM Switch, installing the Token Ring Port Interface Modules (TPIMs), and setting the TPIM Phantom Switch.
Chapter 4, Testing and Troubleshooting, contains procedures for testing the TRXI after installation, a description of the LANVIEW® LEDs, and explains the front panel LCD display.
Chapter 5, Local Management, describes how to access Local Management. It also describes each of the Local Management screens and the available commands.