Cabletron Systems manual HSIM-W87 User’s Guide

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Appendix C: WAN Terms and Acronyms

LCV — Line Coding Violation, a count of both BPVs and EXZs occurring over the accumulation period. An EXZ increments the LCV by one regardless of the length of the zero string.

LEX — LAN Extender, a Cisco Systems protocol used to internetwork a host-based router with a remote switch.

LMP — Link Management Protocol, used in Frame Relay. Allows the device to gather information about the DLCIs (Data Link Connection Identifiers) See T1.617-D, Q.933-A.

Local Timing — Timing for digital transmission circuit is internally generated by a source within the equipment. Usually used for short haul private lines. In this case one CSU must be set for Local (internal) timing and the CSU at the other end of the line must be set for Loop (recovered) timing to create a master-slave situation.

Loop Timing — Timing for digital transmission circuit is recovered from the received data, not generated internally by a source within the equipment. This is the typical situation when using public lines. Also may be referred to as clock slave timing.

LLB — Line Loop Back, a full T1 loopback on D4 or ESF framed lines.

LOS — Loss of Signal, DS3 signal where a predetermined amount of pulses without polarity are deemed a defect.

M13 — (pronounced M-one-three) DS1 into a DS3 multiplexer.

MIM — Media Interface Module, Cabletron Systems products designed to fit in a Multi Media Access Center (MMAC) hub.

MUX — Multiplexer, an electronic device that allows two or more signals to pass over one communications circuit.

NI — Network Interface.

OOF — Out of Frame, a DS3 OOF defect is detected when any three or more errors in sixteen or fewer consecutive F-bits occur within a DS3 M-frame. An OOF defect may also be called a Severely Errored Frame (SEF) defect. An OOF defect is cleared when reframe occurs. A DS3 Loss of Frame (LOF) failure is declared when the DS3 OOF defect is consistent for 2 to 10 seconds. The DS3 OOF defect ends when reframe occurs. The DS3 LOF failure is cleared when the DS3 OOF defect is absent for 10 to 20 seconds.


HSIM-W87 User’s Guide

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Contents HSIM-W87 Page HSIM-W87 User’s Guide Industry Canada Notice Cabletron Software Program License HSIM-W87 User’s Guide Contents Contents Using this Manual Chapter IntroductionImportant Notice Overview Imux Features Data Flow in the HSIM-W87Connectivity Hdlc Inverse Multiplexing Imux5 DS1 Alarm Priority QueuingSnmp and MIB Support Lanview Diagnostic LEDs Document ConventionsRelated Documentation Bold typeGetting Help Your email addressHSIM-W87 User’s Guide Chapter Installation Unpacking the HSIM-W87Installing the HSIM-W87 Installing the HSIM-W87 in an Interface ModuleInstalling the HSIM-W87 Installing the HSIM-W87 Installing the HSIM-W87 in a Standalone Device Connecting the HSIM-W87 to the Network HSIM-W87 SetupChapter Lanview LedsLanview LEDs Chapter Management Local ManagementManagement Network Tools Commands HelpCommand Built-in Commands ImuxExample Imux 1 -ac 1Command wanpq WanpqCommand ds1alarm Syntax ds1alarm Ds1alarmCommand dsx1 Command dsx3 Dsx1Dsx3 Description Special CommandsSyntax OptionsSample Imux Configuration Imux 1 -ac 1Sample Imux Configuration Enabling the Imux Application Chapter Troubleshooting Troubleshooting the HSIM-W87Hardware Troubleshooting Status STS LED is OFF Investigating Software Configuration Problems Problems with the Firmware ImageHSIM-W87 User’s Guide Appendix a Specifications Physical PropertiesEnvironmental Requirements Regulatory Compliance Appendix B Typical Configuration Appendix B Typical Configuration Appendix C WAN Terms and Acronyms Appendix C WAN Terms and Acronyms WAN Terms and Acronyms HSIM-W87 User’s Guide WAN Terms and Acronyms HSIM-W87 User’s Guide