FS Fibre Channel Service; a service that is defined by Fibre Channel standards and exists at a well known address. For example, the Simple Name Server is a Fibre Channel service. See also FSP.
FSP Fibre Channel Service Protocol; the common protocol for all fabric services, transparent to the fabric type or topology. See also FS.
FSPF Fabric Shortest Path First; Brocade’s routing protocol for Fibre Channel switches.
Full Duplex A mode of communication that allows the same port to simultaneously transmit and receive frames. See also Half Duplex.
Fx_Port A fabric port that can operate as either an F_Port or FL_Port. See also F_Port and FL_Port.
G_Port Generic Port; a port that can operate as either an E_Port or F_Port. A port is defined as a G_Port when it is not yet connected or has not yet assumed a specific function in the fabric.
GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter; a removable serial transceiver module that allows gigabaud physical level transport for Fibre Channel and gigabit ethernet.
Gbps Gigabits per second (1,062,500,000 bits/second).
GBps GigaBytes per second (1,062,500,000 bytes/second).
Half Duplex A mode of communication that allows a port to either transmit or receive frames at any time, but not simultaneously (with the exception of link control frames, which can be transmitted at any time). See also Full Duplex.
Hard Address The AL_PA that an NL_Port attempts to acquire during loop initialization.
HBA Host Bus Adapter; the interface card between a server or workstation bus and the Fibre Channel network.
Departmental Switch Model