Tripp Lite Power Supply owner manual Important Safety Warnings, UPS Location Warnings

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Important Safety Warnings

SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. This manual contains important instructions and warnings that should be followed during the installation and maintenance of all Tripp Lite SmartOnline 3-Phase 20kVA and 30kVA UPS Systems.

UPS Location Warnings

Install your UPS in a controlled environment.

Install your UPS indoors, away from heat, direct sunlight, dust, and excess moisture or other conductive contaminants.

Install your UPS in a structurally sound area that is level. Your UPS is extremely heavy; take care when moving and lifting the unit.

Only operate your UPS at indoor temperatures between 32° F and 104° F (between 0° C and 40° C). For best results, keep indoor temperatures between 62° F and 84° F (between 17° C and 29° C).

Leave adequate space around all sides of the UPS for proper ventilation.

Do not install the UPS near magnetic storage media, as this may result in data corruption.

The UPS System is designed to support a maximum load rating of one (1) power module and up to two (2) fully-loaded battery modules. Failure to observe this maximum load rating (by stacking more than one power module and/or more than two battery modules) will cause permanent damage to the UPS System and create a potential for serious personal injury.

The UPS System's caster wheels are only designed for slight position adjustments within the final installation area; they are not designed for moving the UPS System over considerable distances. The wheels are not designed to provide long-term support for the UPS system after final installation. Mounting bracket installation is required. See Installation section.

UPS Connection Warnings

The power supply for this unit must be three phase rated in accordance with the equipment nameplate. It also must be suitably grounded according to all applicable local electrical wiring regulations.

Equipment Connection Warnings

Do not use Tripp Lite UPS Systems in life support applications in which a malfunction or failure of a Tripp Lite UPS System could cause failure or significantly alter the performance of a life support device.

The UPS system contains its own energy source (battery). The output terminals may be live even when the UPS is not connected to an AC supply.

Battery Warnings

Your UPS does not require routine maintenance. Do not open the UPS's power module for any reason; there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Because of the risk of electrical shock, only qualified electricians should open the battery module.

Because the batteries present a risk of electrical shock and burn from high short-circuit current, batteries should be changed only by trained service personnel observing proper precautions. Remove watches, rings, and other metal objects. Use tools with insulated handles. Wear rubber gloves and boots. Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of the batteries. Do not short or bridge the battery terminals with any object.

Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire. The UPS batteries are recyclable. Refer to local codes for disposal requirements.

Internal batteries must be replaced by equivalent batteries available from Tripp Lite.

Do not operate your UPS without batteries.

Battery fuses should be replaced only by factory authorized personnel. Blown fuses should be replaced only with fuses of the same number and type.

Potentially lethal voltages exist within this unit as long as the battery supply is connected. Service and repair should be done only by trained personnel. During any service work, the UPS should be turned off or put into manual bypass.

Do not connect or disconnect the battery modules while the UPS is operating from the battery supply or when the unit is not in bypass mode.


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Contents Español Français Important Safety Warnings UPS Location WarningsFront Panel Control PanelBattery Access Panel cover removed Rear Panel Rear PanelUPS Input and Output Hardwire Connection InstallationMounting Bracket Installation UPS LocationOperation Normal Conditions Initial Battery ChargingWiring Connection Output Voltage Selection VIA SoftwareTurning the UPS OFF SELF-TESTINGSelf Testing Battery OK DC to DC OK Inverter Test LCD Display Select ButtonInverter on Warnings Operation Special ConditionsOperation on BYPASS-VOLTAGE OUT of Range Operation Under ShutdownCommunications DRY Contact Interface Table Remote Emergency Power OFF EPODRY Contact Interface OpenCheck Battery Pack Voltage Before Completing Installation Do not Remove Battery SleeveBattery Packs are Heavy Adding or Replacing Internal BatteriesInternal Battery Pack Wiring Diagram Adding or Replacing Internal Batteries Adding or Replacing Internal Batteries Adding or Replacing Internal Batteries Limited Warranty ServiceWarranty Observe Proper PolaritySpecifications Model SU20K3/3INTModel SU30K3/3INT Manual del Propietario Advertencias de Seguridad Importantes Advertencias sobre la colocación y ubicación del UPSPanel Frontal Panel DE ControlPanel Frontal continuación Panel DE Acceso a LA Bateria Tapa RemovidaPanel Trasero Panel TraseroInstalacion DE LOS Soportes DE Montaje InstalaciónUbicación DEL UPS Conexion a TierraSeleccion DEL Voltaje DE Salida VIA Software Operación Condiciones NormalesCarga Inicial DE LA Bateria Encendiendo EL UPSAUTO-PRUEBA Operación Condiciones Normales continuaciónApagando EL UPS Boton Select Seleccionar DE LA Pantalla LCDAdvertencias DEL Inversor Encendido Operación Condiciones EspecialesOperacion EN DERIVACION-VOLTAJE Fuera DE Rango Operacion Bajo CIERRE/PARADAOperación Condiciones Especiales continuación ComunicacionesApagado DE Emergencia Remoto EPO Comunicaciones continuaciónInterfaz DEL Contacto Seco Tabla DE LA Interfaz DE Contacto Seco¡LOS Modulos DE Bateria SON Pesados Añadiendo o Remplazando las Baterías Internas¡NO Remueva LA Cubierta Protectora DE LA Bateria Diagrama DEL Cableado DEL Modulo DE Baterias Internas Añadiendo o Remplazando las Baterías Internas continuaciónAñadiendo o Remplazando las Baterías Internas continuación Terminales ¡PELIGRO Garantia Limitada ServicioGarantía ¡OBSERVE LA Polaridad CorrectaEspecificaciones Modelo SU20K3/3INTEspecificaciones continuación Modelo SU30K3/3INTManuel du propriétaire Importantes consignes de sécurité Mises en garde relatives à la localisation de londuleurPanneau DE Commande Panneau avantPanneau avant suite Panneau Daccès AUX Batteries carter enlevéPanneau arrière Panneau ArrièreConnexion DE Mise À LA Terre IL Faut Installer Londuleur À Laide DE Brides DE FixationMises EN Garde Relatives À LA Localisation DE Londuleur Sélection DU CâblagePremière Charge DE LA Batterie Installation suiteFonctionnement Conditions normales Sélection DE LA Tension DE Sortie À Laide DUN LogicielÉxécution DUN AUTO-TEST Fonctionnement Conditions normales suiteArrêter Londuleur Bouton DE Sélection DE Lécran ACLMises EN Garde Inverseur EN Marche Fonctionnement Conditions spécialesFonctionnement EN DÉRIVATION-TENSION Hors Plag Fonctionnement Pendant UN ArrêtFonctionnement DU Commutateur DE Dérivation Manuelle Commuter Londuleur EN Mode NormalFonctionnement Conditions spéciales suite Interface RS-232Communications suite Ajout et remplacement des batteries internesArrêt Durgence Emergency Power OFF EPO À Distance Interface Contact SECAjout et remplacement des batteries internes suite Schéma DU Câblage Interne DUN Bloc DE BatterieAjout et remplacement des batteries internes suite Bornes Ajout et remplacement des batteries internes suite Observer LA Bonne Polarité GarantieGarantie Limitée À VIE Spécifications Modèle SU20K3/3INTSpécifications suite Modèle SU30K3/3INT