3. Using the Web Interface
Tools (at the top of the page) and select System Commands. At the System
Commands page, click on Save All.
CLIP Connection
Classical IP and ARP over ATM (CLIP) allows IP datagrams and ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests and replies to be transmitted over ATM using ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5).
To configure a CLIP connection:
1.From the Home page, click on Setup and then click on New Connection. The default PPPoE connection setup is displayed.
2.At the Type field select CLIP and the CLIP connection setup page is displayed.
3.Give your CLIP connection a unique name; the name must not have spaces and cannot begin with numbers.
4.Select NAT and Firewall if you want them active for this connection. Firewall and NAT services must be enabled. See Firewall/NAT Services on page
5.Select or enter a VPI and VCI (as supplied by your DSL service provider or your ISP), or click in Auto PVC. (Auto PVC causes the router to perform automatic VPI/VCI detection as defined in DSL forum
6.Specify the IP address and subnet mask.
7.Specify the address of the ARP server.
8.Specify the address of the Default Gateway.
9.Select the quality of service (QoS). Leave the default value if you are unsure or the ISP did not provide this information. Depending on the QoS you select, you may also enter:
—PCR (Peak Cell Rate)
—SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate)
—MBS (Maximum Burst Size)
—CDVT (Cell Delay Variation Tolerance)
January 2005 |