54Mbps Wireless Router User Guide
¾Ignore Ping Packet from WAN Port - Enable or Disable ignore ping packet from WAN port. The default is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from the Internet cannot access the router.
¾Forbid Ping Packet from LAN Port - Enable or Disable forbidding Ping Packet to access the router from the LAN port. The default value is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from the LAN port cannot access the router. (Defends against some viruses)
Click the Save button to save the settings.
Click the Blocked DoS Host Table button to display the DoS host table by blocking. The page will appear that shown in Figure
This page shows Host IP Address and Host MAC Address for each host blocked by the router.
¾Host IP Address- The IP address that blocked by DoS are displayed here.
¾Host MAC Address - The MAC address that blocked by DoS are displayed here. To update this page and to show the current blocked host, click on the Refresh button.
Click the Clear All button to clear all displayed entries. After the table is empty the blocked host will regain the capability to access Internet.
Click the Return button to return to the Advanced Security page.
4.9Static Routing
A static route is a