Dymo 350 manual Printing Your First Label, Power, LCD Display, Caps Mode, Shift Key

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Printing Your First Label

You are now ready to print your first label.

To print a label

1.Enter text to create a simple label.

2.Press Print . When the label is finished printing, it is automatically cut. The Auto Cut feature is turned on by default. To disable the Auto Cut feature, see Changing the Cutting Option on page 10.

3.Remove the label.

Congratulations! You have printed your first label. Continue reading to learn more about the options available for creating labels.

Getting to Know the Labelmaker

The following sections describe each feature in detail. Become familiar with the location of the feature and function keys on your labelmaker. See Figure 1 on page 2.


The button turns the power on and off. After two minutes of no activity, the power is switched off automatically. The last label created is remembered and displayed when the power is turned back on. The previously selected style settings are also restored.

LCD Display

The labelmaker’s LCD display shows a row of sixteen characters. However, you can enter up to 99 characters and spaces.

The display is similar to a window that scrolls across the text. (See Figure 6.) The number of characters actually displayed can vary due to proportional spacing.

The quick brownfoxjumps over the lazy dog.

Figure 6

In addition, feature indicators appear on the display to let you know when a feature is selected. See Figure 7.



















































CAPS mode

Multiple Lines

Fixed Length


Mixed Formats

# of Copies

Auto Cut

Figure 7


The CAPS key toggles capitalization on and off. When CAPS mode is turned on, the CAPS mode indicator is shown on the display and all letters that you enter will be capitalized. The default setting is CAPS mode on. When CAPS mode is off, all letters entered appear in lower case.

Shift Key

The Shift key, when used in combination with an alphabet key, changes the case of the selected letter. When used in combination with number keys or function keys, the Shift key selects the alternate function shown on the key. For example, when you press Backspace, the character to the left of the cursor is deleted; however, when you press Shift-Backspacetogether, the entire label text and formatting is deleted and the display is ready for you to type a new label.


Image 5
Contents Page LabelManager 350 User Guide Inserting the Tape Cassette Connecting the PowerGetting Started To select a language Press Settings SettingsTo set the units of measure Press Settings Selecting a LanguageCaps Mode PowerPrinting Your First Label LCD DisplaySpace Bar CancelBackspace Navigation KeysCreating Multiple-Line Labels Using Mixed FormatsUsing Tabs Currency Symbols Using Symbols and Special CharactersAdding Symbols Adding International CharactersPrinting Options Setting a Fixed Label LengthPrinting Multiple Copies Serializing Your LabelsUsing Labelmaker Memory To clean the print head To clean the cutter bladeRecalling Stored Labels and Formats To recall labels or formatsBattery low TroubleshootingInsert Tape Cassette Tape JamDocumentation Feedback Guide D’Utilisation LabelManager Votre nouvelle étiqueteuse Dymo LabelManager Par où commencer ?Branchement de lalimentation Insertion de la cassette rubanChoix des unités de mesure Personnalisation de l’étiqueteuseChoix de la langue Pour sélectionner votre langueÉcran PowerPour choisir l’unité de mesure Pour imprimer une étiquettePour ajouter des Styles Changement de la policeAppuyez sur la touche Style Pour choisir le stylePour choisir le style de bordure Création des étiquettes à deux lignesUtilisation des tabulations Utilisation de symboles et de caractères spéciauxUtilisation de formats mixtes Pour ajouter des symboles Symboles de devisesPour ajouter un symbole $ € £ ¢ ¥Pour imprimer plusieurs copies Options d’impressionCréation d’étiquettes en séries séquentielles Choix d’une longueur d’étiquette fixeAperçu de votre étiquette Utilisation de la mémoireAlignement du texte Changement d’option de découpeEnregisterement du texte des étiquettes Enregistrement des formatsRécupération des étiquettes et formats enregistrés Pour nettoyer la tête d’impression Problèmes possibles Le nom du produit et le numéro de version Retour dinformations concernant la documentationGuía del usuario de LabelManager Conectando a la Corriente InstruccionesEnvíe su tarjeta de garantía Colocación de las pilasSelección de idioma ConfiguraciónPara seleccionar el idioma Selección de las unidades de medidaPantalla Imprimir su primera etiquetaMayúsculas y minúsculas ShiftFormato de las etiquetas Enmarcado de texto Para configurar el estilo de marcoUso de los formatos mixtos Teclee el texto de la segunda líneaUso de las tabulaciones Empleo de los símbolos y caracteres especialesAñadido de símbolos Símbolos de divisa Opciones de impresiónImpresión de múltiples copias Numeración de las etiquetasCambio de la opción de corte Vista preliminar de las etiquetasAlineación del texto Almacenamiento de formatos Para ajustar el contraste Pulse SettingsAjuste del contraste de impresión Almacenamiento del texto de la etiquetaLimpieza del labelmaker Cuidados del labelmakerPulse Memory Para limpiar el cutter después de cada cartuchoResolución de problemas Nombre del producto y número de la versión Apreciamos sus sugerenciasCountry Telephone Fax Contacting Customer SupportLM150back.indd 13-02-2006