Bg rate
“WT” Æ Write Through.
“WB” Æ Write Back.
“RO” Æ Read Only.
“HI” Æ HIgh priority. “MD” Æ MiD priority. “LO” Æ LOw priority.
Background task priority.
“4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0” Æ Default value is 4. The higher number the background priority of a VD has, the more background I/O will be scheduled to execute.
The status of Virtual disk.
“Online” Æ the Virtual disk is online. “Offline” Æ the Virtual disk is offline. “Initiating” Æ the Virtual disk is being initialized. “Rebuild” Æ the Virtual disk is being rebuilt. “Migrate” Æ the Virtual disk is being migrated. “Scrub” Æ the Virtual disk is being scrubbed.
The health of Virtual disk.
“Optimal” Æ the Virtual disk is operating and has experienced no failures of the disks that comprise the RG.
“Degraded” Æ At least one disk which comprises space of the Virtual disk has been marked as failed or has been plugged.
“Missing” Æ the Virtual disk has been marked as missing by the system.
“Failed” Æ the Virtual disk has experienced enough failures of the disks that comprise the VD for unrecoverable data loss to occur.
“Part optimal” Æ the Virtual disk has experienced disk failures.
Ratio of initializing or rebuilding.
The levels of RAID that Virtual disk is using.
Number of LUN(s) that Virtual disk is attaching.
The Virtual disk is related to the RG name