The MPIO setup instructions are the following:
1.Create RG/VD, and then attach LUN.
2.Add the first “Target Portal” on Microsoft iSCSI initiator.
3.Add the second “Target Portal” on Microsoft iSCSI initiator.
5.Enable “Enable multi-path” checkbox. Then click “Advanced…”.
6.Select the first “Source IP” and “Target Portal” to iSCSI data port 1. Then click “OK”.
7.Logon again.
8.Enable “Enable
9.Select the second “Source IP” and “Target Portal” to iSCSI data port 2. Then click “OK”.
10.iSCSI device is connected. Click “Details”.
11.Click “Device” tab, then click “Advanced”.
12.Click “MPIO” tab, select “Load Balance Policy” to “Round Robin”.
13.Click “Apply”.
14.Run “Device Manage” in Windows. Make sure MPIO device is available.
The MC/S setup instructions are in the following:
1.Create RG/VD, and then attach LUN.
2.Add the first “Target Portal” on Microsoft iSCSI initiator, For MC/S, there is only ONE “Target Portals” in the “Discovery” tab.
4.Then click “Advanced…”.
5.Select the first “Source IP” and “Target Portal” to iSCSI data port 1. Then click “OK”.
6.After connected, click “Details”, then in the “Session” tab, click “Connections”.
7.Choose “Round Robin” in “Load Balance Policy”.
8.“Add” Source Portal for the iSCSI data port 2.
9.Select the second “Source IP” and “Target Portal” to iSCSI data port 2. Then select “OK”.
System information
iSCSI RAID Subsystem
SW version 1.0.0 Build 200807161100