Appendix B | Glossary |
MAC (Media Access Control) Address - The unique address that a manufacturer assigns to each networking device..
Mask - A filter that includes or excludes certain values, for example parts of an IP address..
Mbps (MegaBits Per Second) - One million bits per second; a unit of measurement for data transmission..
MD5 (Message Digest 5) - An algorithm that produces a
MDI (Media Dependent Interface) A cable used for end stations.
MDIX (Media Dependent Interface with Crossover) - A
cable used for hubs and switches..
MIB (Management Information Base) - MIBs contain information describing specific aspects of network components..
Multicast - Transmits copies of a single packet to multiple ports..
Network - A series of computers or devices connected for the purpose of data sharing, storage, and/or transmission between users..
NMS (Network Management System) - An interface that provides a method of managing a system..
OID (Object Identifier) - Used by SNMP to identify managed objects.. In the SNMP Manager/Agent network management paradigm, each managed object must have an OID to identify it..
Packet - A unit of data sent over a network..
Ping (Packet INternet Groper) - An Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP address is online..
Policing - Determines if traffic levels are within a specified profile.. Policing manages the maximum traffic rate used to send or receive packets on an interface..
Port - The connection point on a computer or networking device used for plugging in cables or adapters..
Port Mirroring - Monitors and mirrors network traffic by forwarding copies of incoming and outgoing packets from one port to a monitoring port..
Power over Ethernet (PoE) - A technology enabling an Ethernet network cable to deliver both data and power..
QoS (Quality of Service)
RADIUS (Remote Authentication
-A protocol that uses an authentication server to control network access..
RMON (Remote Monitoring) - Provides network information to be collected from a single workstation..
Router - A networking device that connects multiple networks together..
RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) - Detects and uses network topologies that allow a faster convergence of the spanning tree, without creating forwarding loops..
Server - Any computer whose function in a network is to provide user access to files, printing, communications, and other services..
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - The standard e-
mail protocol on the Internet..
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) - A widely used network monitoring and control protocol..
SSH - Secure Shell.. A utility that uses strong authentication and secure communications to log in to another computer over a network..
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) - Encryption technology for the Internet used to provide secure transactions, such as the transmission of credit card numbers for
Static IP Address - A fixed address assigned to a computer or device that is connected to a network..
STP (SpanningTree Protocol) - Prevents loops in network traffic.. The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) provides tree topography for any arrangement of bridges.. STP provides one path between end stations on a network, eliminating loops..
Subnet Mask - An address code that determines the size of the network..
Switch - Filters and forwards packets between LAN segments.. Switches support any packet protocol type..
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus) - Proprietary Cisco enhancement to Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS).. Provides additional support for authentication, authorization, and accounting..
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