Seagate ST336807FC manual Toll-free support numbers, FAX services-All Europe toll call

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European support services

For presales and technical support in Europe, dial the Seagate Service Center toll-free number for your spe- cific location. If your location is not listed here, dial our presales and technical support call center at +1-405- 324-4714 from 8:00 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Central Europe time) Monday through Friday. The presales and technical support call center is located in Oklahoma City, USA.

For European warranty service, dial the toll-free number for your specific location. If your location is not listed here, dial our European CSO warranty center at +31-20-316-7222 from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Central Europe time) Monday through Friday. The CSO warranty center is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Seagate Service Centers

Toll-free support numbers

Call center

Presales and Technical Support

Warranty Service


00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283 (00 800-4SEAGATE)

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-311 12 38

00 800-311 12 38


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289


00 800-31 92 91 40

00 800-31 92 91 40

United Kingdom

00 800-47324283

00 800-47324289

FAX services—All Europe (toll call)

Technical Support


Warranty Service


Africa/Middle East support services

For presales and technical support in Africa and the Middle East, dial our presales and technical support call center at +1-405-324-4714 from 8:00 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Central Europe time) Mon- day through Friday. The presales and technical support call center is located in Oklahoma City, USA.

For warranty service in Africa and the Middle East, dial our European CSO warranty center at +31-20-316- 7222 from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Central Europe time) Monday through Friday, or send a FAX to +31-20-653- 3513. The CSO warranty center is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Cheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. A


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Contents Cheetah 10K.7 FC Page Cheetah 10K.7 FC Page Rev. a 05/04/05 All. Initial release Revision status summary sheetRevision Date Sheets Affected Page Contents Defect and error management Physical/electrical specificationsInstallation Interface requirementsSeagate Technology support services Viii Cheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Cheetah 10K.7 FC family disc drive List of FiguresCheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Cheetah 10K.7 FC family disc drive ScopeCheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Standards Applicable standards and reference documentationElectromagnetic compatibility Electromagnetic susceptibilityEuropean Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances RoHS Electromagnetic complianceFibre Channel Interface Manual Reference documentsCheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a General description Media description Standard featuresReliability PerformanceFormatted capacities Programmable drive capacityFactory-installed options Factory-installed accessoriesUser-installed accessories Internal drive characteristics Performance characteristicsST336807FC Access time Seek performance characteristicsFormat command execution time in minutes Generalized performance characteristicsPrefetch/multi-segmented cache control Start/stop timeCache operation Caching write data Prefetch operation Cheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Error rates Reliability specificationsRecoverable Errors Reliability and service 4 S.M.A.R.T Hot plugging the driveControlling S.M.A.R.T Milliseconds Performance impactReporting control Determining rateParameter Code Description Temperature Log page 0DhDrive Self Test DST DST Failure Definition State of the drive prior to testingImplementation Invoking DSTShort test Function Code 001b Product warrantyExtended test Function Code 010b Log page entriesProduct repair and return information ShippingAC power requirements Physical/electrical specificationsDC power requirements ST336807FC DC power requirementsPower sequencing General DC power requirement notesConducted noise immunity Typical ST336807FC drive, 2 Gbit, +5V current profile Typical ST336807FC drive, 2 Gbit, +12V current profileST336807FC Power dissipationEnvironmental limits TemperatureRelative humidity Effective altitude sea levelShock and vibration Package size Packaged/product weight Drop heightShock Recommended mounting Vibration Air cleanlinessCorrosive environment Acoustics Mechanical specificationsMounting configuration dimensions Drive internal defects/errors Defect and error managementDrive error recovery procedures 77.7 Background Media Scan FC-AL system errorsMedia Pre-Scan Cheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Drive ID/option selection InstallationPhysical interface Drive Front LED connectionsDrive orientation 1 J6 connector requirementsCooling Grounding Drive mountingFibre Channel link service frames FC-AL featuresLink services supported Type of frame Link serviceFibre Channel Scsi FCP task management functions Fibre Channel task management functionsFibre Channel task management responses FC Scsi FCP response codesNPort login Plogi payload Fibre Channel port loginBytes NPort Login Accept ACC payload Fibre Channel port login acceptFibre Channel Process Login Process Login Plri payloadProcess Login Accept ACC payload Fibre Channel Process Login AcceptFibre Channel fabric login Fabric Login Flogi payloadFabric Login Accept ACC payload Fibre Channel fabric accept loginFibre Channel Arbitrated Loop options Dual port supportFC-AL options supported Option SupportedSupported commands Scsi commands supportedCommand code Supported Command name Supported commands Supported commands Supported commands Supported commands Inquiry data Mode Sense dataCheetah 10K.7 FC inquiry data Bytes Data hexPage DEF CHG Miscellaneous features Miscellaneous operating features and conditionsSupported Feature or condition Miscellaneous statusFC-AL physical interface Physical characteristicsPhysical description Part description Positions Part number Features Connector requirementsElectrical description J6 connector dimensionsPin descriptions Pin Signal name Signal typeFC-SCA pin descriptions Fault LED Out PowerFC-AL transmitters and receivers Normal command activity LED status Enable port bypass signalsActive LED Out Active LED Out conditionsParallel Enclosure Services Interface ESI Motor start control signalsMotor start controls 11 SEL6 through SEL0 ID linesArbitrated loop physical address Alpa values SettingHex Dec Signal characteristics LED drive signal LED driver signalsDifferential Pecl output characteristics Differential Pecl input characteristicsLink rate GHz Eye diagram data valuesCheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Internet MySeagate Seagate Technology support servicesPresales Support Technical SupportData Recovery Services Authorized Service Centers Warranty ServiceData Recovery Services Call center Presales and Technical Support Warranty Service FAX services-All Europe toll callToll-free support numbers Asia/Pacific support services Publication feedback survey Cheetah 10K.7 36GB FC Product Manual, Rev. a Numerics IndexFAN Flogi PBC Page See also cooling