Perle Systems 5500208-43 manual Banner, Break, Bypass-password, Dhcp/bootp, Mtu, Flush-on-close

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Server Commands


This parameter concerns the banner information (product name/software version). This banner information is presented to a user with a login prompt. For security reasons, you can turn off the display of this information. The default is Off.


Enables/disables the existing Reverse Telnet break signal and the out-of-band break signals for TruePort. The default value is Off.


When set, authorised users who do not have a password set, with the exception of the Admin user, WILL NOT be prompted for a password at login with Local Authentication.


Enables the DHCP/BOOTP client process in the IOLAN. By default, this is disabled/off. If this is enabled, the server IP address parameter is disabled.


The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size of an IP frame that will be sent over the network. Only one MTU size can be set for both IPV4 and IPV6 frames

MTU sizes: 68-1500 bytes

Default size: 1500 bytes.


Unique name for your domain, your location in the global network. Like Hostname, it is a symbolic, rather than a numerical, identifier.


When enabled, deletes any pending outbound data when a port is closed; as opposed to maintaining the port to send pending data. The default value is Off.


The IOLAN’s unique IPv4 network IP address. If you are using the IOLAN in an IPv6 network, this field can be left blank.


Specify how often, in seconds, the IOLAN will send a TCP keepalive. This only applies to line service types that support the keepalive feature. T

Default Interval: 180 seconds. monitor-connection-timeout

Sets the maximum time to wait for a response after sending a TCP keepalive message. Values: 1-32767 seconds

Default: 5 seconds monitor-connection-number

The number of TCP keepalive retries before the connection is closed.

Values: 1-32767

Default: 5 name

You must supply a name for the IOLAN.


IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.3

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Contents Iolan DS1/TS2 EN 55022 1998, Class A, Note Table of Contents User Commands Line Commands Network Commands Time Commands Statistic Commands Channel Control Commands About This Book PrefaceIntended Audience Contacting Technical Support Making a Technical Support QueryRepair Procedure Feedback on this Manual Command Syntax Introduction Introduction CLI ConventionsCommand Shortcuts Command OptionsServer Commands Server CommandsSet Custom-App Set ServerBypass-password Dhcp/bootpDefault size 1500 bytes Domainname Default Interval 180 seconds. monitor-connection-timeoutOem-login Password-limitTimeout Default Buffer Size 4 KB DS1/TS1/STS8DSet Service Show Custom-AppShow Modbus Show ServerHardware Commands Set EthernetShow Hardware Options Auto10-half10-full100-half100-fullModbus Commands Set Modbus GatewayTruePort Baud Commands Set TruePort Remap-BaudShow TruePort Remapped-idSet IPv6 IPv6 CommandsShow IPv6 Add Custom-IPv6 Set Custom-IPv6Range Default 64 method manual Range DefaultDelete Custom-IPv6 Field Format IPv6 address prefix-bits manualUser Commands Commands for Users Logged Into the IolanMenu PingResume ScreenSet User Set User SessionShow Line Users Syslog ConsoleShow Sessions Show TermtypeTelnet TcpportConfiguring Users Set Default UserVersion Add UserHotkey-prefix LevelLine-access ServiceSess-timer Phone-numberSet User Level Show Default User ConfigureduserShow the settings for the specified user Show the settings for the current userLine Commands Port vs -Port Line CommandsLine Commands Set LineBreak-delay Dial-timeoutOptions break Break-lengthDefault Disabled initial Data-loggingInitiate-connection Internet-addressReset KeepaliveLine-name LockDefault 10 ms Sess-timer Session stringsStop-bits Term-typeSet Line Interface Confighost Set Line ServiceServerport Hostport Modemname Set ModemInitstring Options Program-command-line Line Service CommandsShow Line Set Telnet-Client Options termtypeSet UDP OutboundportStartipaddress EndipaddressSet Vmodem Set Vmodem-Phone Set Modbus-Slave Line Set Modbus-Master LineIpaddress HostSet Multihost Line Set Line Initiate-ConnectionShow Interface Show Telnet-ClientShow UDP Show VmodemModem Commands Add ModemDelete Modem Show ModemsPacket Forwarding Commands Set Packet-Forwarding LineEnable-end-trigger1 Enable-end-trigger2Enable-end-eof1 Enable-end-eof2Show Packet-Forwarding Line Network Commands Chapter Snmp CommandsAdd Community Add TrapDelete Trap Delete CommunitySet Snmp Set Snmp inform-timeout Set Snmp engine-id-stringSet Snmp inform-retries Show SnmpTftp Commands Hosts CommandsGateway Commands Show HostsAdd Gateway Delete GatewayDescription Configures the gateway User Level Admin Syntax Set GatewayShow Gateways DestinationipSet Syslog Logging CommandsShow Syslog Time Commands Time CommandsTime/Date Setting Commands Show Date Administration Commands Bootup CommandsSet Bootup Show BootupConfiguration file Show ARPTftp File Transfer Commands NetloadHostname/ipaddress FilenameCustom Factory Default Options Factory-default-configNetsave Table or a DNS serverMotd Commands SetSet Motd Show MotdStatistic Commands Chapter Configuration StatisticsShow Netstat Show Modbus StatisticsRun-Time Statistics Global I/O Commands O CommandsSet IO UDP Set IO Temperature-Scale Set LineSet IO Failsafe Set IO ModbusSet IOChannel Mode Set IOChannelSet IOChannel Digital I/O Set IOChannel Digital InputSet IOChannel Digital Input Serial Pins Current status. The default is disabled Set IOChannel Digital OutputDescription can be up to 20 characters Will be displayed as activeActive-signal-width Inactive-signal-widthActive-to-inactive-delay Inactive-to-active-delaySet IOChannel Digital Output Serial Pins Set IOChannel RelayOptions description RelaynumberSet IOChannel Analog True Analog Options analogchannelTrigger-type Trigger-levelClear-mode Clear-levelSet IOChannel Analog Temperature Level Enabled Default Disabled keepaliveSet IOChannel IOExtension Options channelClient-initiated tcp-port Client-initiated multihostServer-initiated tcp-port Local-connection inputchannelSet IOChannel Multihost Show IOChannel StatusKill IOChannel ChannelShow IO Show IOChannelChannel Control Commands Digital OutputDigital Input RelayGlossary