4.3.7 Configuration (continued)
Channel: Choose the operation channel defined in IEEE 802.15.4 for the sensor network. This allows you to select a wireless channel to communicate with het End Devices. It is strongly suggested to let the Coordinator to search orf the best channel automatically,and by not touching this field.
Transmit Power Range: This determines the signal power transmitted by the Receiver. The options are 10dBm and 20dBm.
Refer to your local regulations for the allowed maximum transmit power. Reset Network: Power resets the radio module in the Coordinator.
4.3.8 Sensor Setup
Click on Sensor Setup from the Home Page, the following pagewill appear. Select the proper Group.
Group A Wireless Sensors ID: 0 - 7
Group B Wireless Sensors ID: 8 - 15
Group C Wireless Sensors ID: 16 - 23
Group D Wireless Sensors ID: 24 - 31
Sensor Setup
Main Menu
Figure 4.17 Sensor Setup by Group
The Sensor Setup Page is for configuring End Device parameters such as name and update rate.
A faster update period consumes more energy and creates more traffic. The update time must be selected to satisfy acceptable network performance and desired battery lifetime.