Multi-Tech Systems MT2834BR, MT2834BLR manual How Can You Identify Your Uart Type?

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Chapter 3 - Configuration

compromised by other serial communications, including printer transmissions and Appletalk, the networking software that allows Macintoshes to share files. When Appletalk is active it controls all serial communications on the Macintosh. Because it gives priority to network communications, it may lose modem data at higher transmission speeds. Therefore, when Appletalk is active you risk losing data on serial port communications over 2400 bps, though most users can work up to 9600 bps without problems. Other activities that could cause the serial driver to drop bits at high speeds include the floppy disk driver formatting a disk, the CPU paging in or out in virtual memory mode, and the Mac IIci or IIsi running the on-board video in 8-bit mode. Therefore, for maximum communications speed on the Macintosh, we recommend as few concurrent activities as possible. To use V.42bis compression at 19,200 bps or faster, we recommend that you install a high speed serial port card. Newer Macintosh computers, such as the Quadra and Centris models, support serial port speeds up to 115,200 bps.

3.2.1How Can You Identify Your UART Type?

If you have MS-DOS 6.0 or later, you can find your UART type from a diagnostic program called MSD. To use it, type MSD at the DOS prompt. After the opening screen, select COM Ports. The last line of the report tells you what type UART you have for each COM port. MSD does not distinguish between the 8250 and the 8250A. However, if you have an IBM AT or newer computer, you likely have an 8250A or 16450 UART installed, both of which are reliable to 19,200 bps. If you would like more detailed information about your UART than MSD can provide, you can download shareware UART identification programs from the IBM Communications Forum.


Image 21 Multi-Tech Systems MT2834BR, MT2834BLR manual How Can You Identify Your Uart Type?
Contents User Guide Revision Date Description Contents AT Commands and S-Register Summary Introduction Introduction FeaturesHow to Use This Manual Installation Card Cage PreliminariesSerial Cable Telephone LineInstallation PC Board Controls Switch Function Position Effect DIP-Switch SettingsAnswer/Originate Originate call Async/Sync/Leased Line Dip Switch Settings #13 Position Effect OOS Busy Out Toggle Switch2 MI/MIC Option Jumper Out of Service/Test JumperDial-Up and Leased Lines Modem LED Indicators On-Line Diagnostics Installation Serial Port Limitations How Can You Identify Your Uart Type? MSD Uart Identification, Screen Configuring Software for Your Modem Configuring Your SoftwareAT &F X4 S0=0 M PC Initialization StringsMEW Modem Initialization Setup Macintosh Initialization Changing Default ParametersMEW Configuration Parameters Screen Configuring Software for Your ComputerTerminal Emulation Configuring Software for the Remote SystemFile Transfer Protocols When to Disable Data CompressionAT &F S0=0 X4 &E14 M Disabling Error CorrectionModem Commands Modem AT Commands Commands = 0, 1, 2 or DP0 #F2 Command Values Default = speed Q0 selects Result Codes displayed Reads value of S-Register r and displays value = 4 or Tone Command Break Atcr Values Default Description Callback Security CommandsCallback password with xxxxxx being callback password Remote Configuration Procedures Remote ConfigurationPassword Commands 4 V.25bis CommandsCSPs Escape Code Character RegistersLine Feed Character S10 Carrier Loss Disconnect Delay Time S25 DTR Dropout Time S36 Time Between DTR Inactive and Modem Off-Hook Result CodesTerse Verbose No Dial Tone Busy No Answer AT Commands and S-Register Summary Modem Testing Uuuu Local Analog Loopback Test/V.54 LoopDigital Loopback Test/V.54 Loop 2 Local/Manual Digital Loopback Test local / manual Digital Loopback Test remote / automatic Digital Loopback Test/V.54 Loop 2 Remote/AutomaticLocal Analog Loopback Test Syncronous Mode Local Analog Loopback Test Synchronous ModeDigital Loopback Test Local / manual Syncronous Digital Loopback Test Local/Manual Synchronous ModeDigital Loopack Test remote / automatic Syncronous Digital Loopback Test Remote/Automatic Synchronous ModeWarranty and Service Limited Warranty Service Tech SupportRecording Modem Information Upgrading the MT2834BR Using FlashPro to Upgrade Modem FirmwareSafety Warnings Internet Babt Requirements Compliance with Babt Requirements European Low Voltage Directive Compliance with BS6789 .1 and Part Compliance with BS6328 Part Appendices Appendix a Appendix a Canadian Limitations Notice Data Rates modem Appendix B Technical SpecificationsFlow Control 2400 & 1200 bps Frequency Stability Index Index Index Index MNP SCC XON/XOFF S000316