14. Bypass Button
This button operates as a three way toggle function. The LED immediately above the button has two colors - RED and GREEN, and an OFF mode where it is not illuminated. The options are Bypass 2ch, Bypass 5.1ch, and Bypass Off.
Press the button once, and the unit goes in the Bypass 2ch mode. In this mode, the LED will be GREEN. In Bypass 2ch mode all of the DSP circuitry, DA and AD converters are bypassed, allowing a completely analog circuit path, identical to the reference standard Bryston
Press the button again, and the unit goes into Bypass 5.1ch mode. In this mode, the LED will be ORANGE. In Bypass 5.1ch mode, the signal from the 5.1 channel analog inputs (RCA) will be routed through the volume controls and to their respective outputs, balanced and unbalanced. No bass management is available with the 5.1ch bypass mode.
To defeat the Bypass mode, press the Bypass button again, and the LED will go OFF.
15. Analog Balance
This control governs the balance of the analog bypass circuit. It will only function if the SP1.7 is in Bypass 2ch mode.
16. Master Volume
This is the Large Knob located on the far right side of the front panel. It controls the Master Volume in all modes. It is fully motorized and can be operated from the remote control or by hand. It is the final level setting control on the SP1.7, and determines what output level will be supplied to the connected power amplifiers, but not the tape/recording outputs. It takes into account any speaker level trim adjustments made during the SP1.7’s setup.