Step 7. Follow the Red Hat Linux installation procedure to complete the installation.
Step 8. Reboot the system.
4.3.4SuSE Linux 9.0 Driver Installation on a New System
This section describes the fresh installation of a Linux SuSE 9.0 system with the Embedded Software RAID Stack. Prepare installation disks with the driver image, then perform the following steps to install the driver:
Step 1. Boot your system using the SuSE 9.0 CD 1.
Step 2. At the prompt, press <F3> to confirm that you have a driver diskette.
Step 3. Highlight Installation on the menu using the arrow keys, then press <Enter>.
You are prompted for the diskette.
Step 4. Insert the driver update disk in the A:/ drive and press <Enter>.
The message “Driver Updates added” displays.
Step 5. Press <Enter>.
You are prompted to select the Driver Update Medium.
Step 6. Select Back and press <Enter>.
This returns you to the installation.
Step 7. Press <Accept>.
The driver installation begins.
Step 8. Press <Accept> again.
A warning screen displays to make sure you want to continue the installation with these settings.
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