Table 5 | Alarm Messages |
| |
| |
Alarm Message |
| Meaning | Corrective Action | |
| |
Alarm Event |
| The Input contact isolator allows the | Scroll through the alarm messages to | |
| user to define events outside of the | determine which outside alarm has |
| UPS that will cause an alarm to show | occurred. Correct the alarm source |
| on the UPS. One of those events has | and the alarm message will clear. |
| occurred. |
| |
Bad Connection |
| An internal connection between PC | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| boards has come loose or is broken. |
| |
Battery Charger Inhibited: |
| The input contact isolator option has | This alarm normally comes when the | |
load above threshold |
| triggered inhibition of the battery | unit is being fed by an alternate | |
| charger and the load is above the | source such as a generator. Battery |
| threshold selected by the user to | charging has been temporarily |
| inhibit battery charging. | inhibited to reduce the load on the |
| secondary source. If the normal utility |
| is supplying the load check the |
| programming of the ICI option in the |
| User’s Option Manual. If the unit is |
| being temporarily supplied by a |
| secondary source, try to reduce the |
| load below that sources capacity so |
| the system can resume charging. |
| Contact Liebert Global Services if |
| you have questions or problems. |
| |
Battery Test Failed |
| The battery test has detected a weak | If there is no charger alarm, then the | |
| battery. | battery has either weak cells or loose |
| connections. Contact Liebert Global |
| Services for battery service. |
| |
Battery Voltage Unstable |
| A battery cell(s) is not functioning | Contact Liebert Global Services for | |
| properly or battery system wiring is | battery service. |
| loose. |
| |
Bypass |
| Bypass input is not stable. UPS | If the problem does not correct itself | |
| inverter output is not synchronized | in 15 minutes contact Liebert Global |
| with the input power. Automatic | Services. Check utility source. |
| transfers to bypass are prohibited. |
| This is usually a temporary condition. |
| |
Bypass Overload |
| An overload condition has exceeded | Correct the overload condition. Call | |
| the capacity of the bypass. If not | Liebert Global Services if the |
| corrected a fuse will blow resulting in | condition persists. |
| a system shutdown. |
| |
Bypass Power Supply Failure |
| Control power is outside the | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| acceptable limits. Bypass is not |
| available. |
| |
Bypass SCR Short |
| The system has sensed unexpected | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| input voltage. The UPS will transfer |
| to bypass. |
| |
Bypass Sensing Failure |
| Unit will transfer to bypass due to an | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| internal sensing failure. |
| |
Bypass Voltage |
| Input power voltage or frequency is | In this condition a manual transfer to | |
Out of Tolerance |
| outside of the specified tolerance. | bypass is not recommended because | |
Incorrect Bypass |
| Automatic transfers to bypass are | it will be a momentarily interrupted | |
| prohibited except in the case of | transfer. | ||
Input Frequency |
| inverter failure. |
| |
| |
Can’t Execute Battery Test: |
| The battery has discharged too | No corrective action is required. The | |
Not Recharged |
| recently (within 72 hours of the | next scheduled battery test will be | |
| scheduled test time). | performed. |
52 Operation