MX240 Ethernet Services Router Hardware Guide
Each DPC has LEDs on the craft interface that indicate its status. The DPC LEDs, labeled 1/0,1, and 2, (1/0 shows status of either SCB1 or DPC0, depending on which component is installed in the slot), are located along the bottom of the craft interface.
Table 14: DPC LEDs
Label | Color | State | Description |
OK | Green | On steadily | DPC is functioning normally. |
| Blinking | DPC is transitioning online or offline. |
| Off | The slot is not online. |
FAIL | Red | On steadily | DPC has failed. |
Each SCB has two LEDs on the craft interface that indicates its status. The SCB LEDs, labeled 0 and 1/0 (the multifunction slot1/0 can contain either SCB1 or DPC0), are located along the bottom of the craft interface. Table 15 on page 20 describes the functions of the SCB LEDs.
Table 15: SCB LEDs
Label | Color | State | Description |
OK | Green | On steadily | SCB: Fabric and control board functioning normally. |
| Blinking | SCB is transitioning online or offline. |
| Off | The slot is not online. |
FAIL | Red | On steadily | SCB has failed. |
Fan LEDs
The fan LED is located on the top left of the craft interface. Table 16 on page 20 describes the functions of the fan LEDs.
Table 16: Fan LEDs
Label | Color | State | Description |
FAN | Green | On steadily | Fan is functioning normally. |
| Red | On steadily | Fan has failed. |
20■ Craft Interface