Chapter 5
Unpacking the Router
This chapter describes how to prepare to install the router. It discusses the following topics:
■Tools and Parts Required on page 37
■Unpacking the Router on page 37
■Verifying Parts Received on page 38
Tools and Parts Required
To unpack the router and prepare for installation, you need the following tools:
■Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2
■Blank panels to cover any slots not occupied by a component
Unpacking the Router
The router is shipped in a wooden crate. A wooden pallet forms the base of the crate. The router chassis is bolted to this pallet. Quick Start installation instructions and a cardboard accessory box are also included in the shipping crate.
The shipping container measures 21 in. (53.3 cm) high, 23.5 in. (60.0 cm) wide, and
32.5in. (82.5 cm) deep. The total weight of the container containing the router and accessories can range from 93 lb (42.2 kg) to 169 lb (76.7 kg).
NOTE: The router is maximally protected inside the shipping crate. Do not unpack it until you are ready to begin installation.
Tools and Parts Required ■ 37