Chapter 1
Router Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the MX240 Ethernet Services Router, discussing the following topics:
■Router Description on page 3
■Component Redundancy on page 4
Router Description
The MX240 Ethernet Services Router is an
The MX240 router is five rack units (U) tall. Several routers can be stacked in a single
The router provides two dedicated slots for Dense Port Concentrators (DPC), one dedicated slot for a Switch Control Board (SCB), and one multifunction slot for either one DPC or one SCB.
The Packet Forwarding Engines are combined with the Ethernet ports on a Dense Port Concentrator (DPC), which installs into the router chassis. Each Packet Forwarding Engine enables a throughput of 10 Gbps. The DPCs are connected to one or two SCBs. The connections between DPCs and SCBs are organized in three groups:
Router Description ■ 3