Configuring Message Logging and Severity Level
5.Optional . For SNMPv3, enter
<name> write <name> to add a group.
Groups offer users authorization choices and read/write privileges.
Note: Because only one operator can set the XSR at any time, you must exit Global mode to perform SNMPv3 configuration. Otherwise, the SNMP set request will fail with the “resource unavailable” message. This rule applies to configuration values, not image downloads.
6.Optional. For SNMPv3, enter
7.Views offer users selective access to the family tree or Object IDs.
8.Optional. For SNMPv3, enter
[encrypted][auth {md5 sha}
Remember to save your configuration after all edits. Refer to the User’s Guide and CLI Reference Guide for more information.
Note: To restart the XSR using NetSight or SNMP management programs, you must enter the
Configuring Message Logging and Severity Level
1.Enter logging <console buffer monitor snmp A.B.C.D file> <high medium low debug> to direct where error messages are sent and what degree of severity they will reflect.
Messages stored to buffer are saved to the XSR’s RAM, those stored to monitor are displayed on active Telnet CLI sessions, those stored to A.B.C.D. are saved in the IP address of the associated SYSLOG server. Refer to the XSR CLI Reference and User Guide for more information about severity levels.
Typically, only HIGH severity alarms are logged to red flag critical events and those requiring operator intervention. Also, the DEBUG alarm level is meant for maintenance personnel only.
The XSR may discard LOW and DEBUG level alarms if the system is too occupied to deliver them. The number of discarded messages is displayed by the following line in show logging command output:
Discards: high=0 medium=0 low=4 debug=22
2.Enter show logging to verify the logging configuration.
When the XSR has been up and running for a while more data will be shown in this display. For a detailed list of most alarms and events generated by the router, refer to the XSR User Guide.
Remember to save your configuration after all edits.
XSR Getting Started Guide