11b/g Wireless Long Range | Version 1.2 |
4.4 Wireless
Click on the Wireless link on the navigation
4.4.1 Wireless Network
The Wireless Network page allows you to configure the wireless mode, channel, SSID, and security settings.
Wireless Mode: Depending on the type of wireless clients that are connected to the network, you may select B, G,
In order to achieve 108Mbps data rate, you will need to check the client card is supporting to 108Mbps as well. If your client device is not super G supported, you can only get 54Mbps throughput only.
The AP default is set as Dynamic
Channel: Select a channel from the
Current Profiles: You may configure up to four different wireless profiles. Click on the Edit button to modify the profile and place a check in the Enable box to activate the profile.