Table 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs (continued)
LED | Color State | Recommended Action | |
| Amber Solid. Port is linked, but traffic | 1. Check the attached powered device to | |
| is not being received or | see if it is defective. |
| transmitted by the interface. | 2. Internal power supply failed, contact |
| PoE power has failed. | |
| Enterasys Networks for technical | |
| PoE power may have been | |
| support. | |
| deactivated because of |
| excessive power requirement |
| or deactivated by |
| configuration. |
| Power Supply failed. |
| Blinking. Port is linked and | 1. Check the attached powered device to |
| traffic is being received or | see if it is defective. |
| transmitted by the interface. | 2. Internal power supply failed, contact |
| PoE power has failed. | |
| Enterasys Networks for technical | |
| PoE power may have been | |
| support. | |
| deactivated because of |
| excessive power requirement |
| or deactivated by |
| configuration. |
| Power supply failed. |