Chapter 11
Configuring Static Routes
C o n f i g u r i n g I P R o u t i n g
This section describes how to configure device server for static routes.
Related Information
See the set route command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference.
To configure a static route over a PPP link, enter the following command:
set route net=addr mask=mask metric=hops wanname=interface gateway=gateway
•addr is either the IP address of a system to be reached over this route or the network address of the subnet that is to be reached on this route
•mask is the mask to use for interpreting the IP address.
•metric is the number of hop to the destination
•interface is either ether if this route is over the Ethernet interface or the name of a user if the route is over a PPP link
•gateway is the IP address of the device that is the next hop to the destination
Example: Route Using the Ethernet Interface
In this example, a route to a subnet is created over the Ethernet interface. Key features include the following:
•The address on the net field is a subnetwork address, not the IP address of a specific device
•The wannane=ether, indicating that this route is over the Ethernet interface
•The metric field indicates that packets to this subnet will pass through two routers
•The gateway field indicates that all packets using this route are to be forwarded to the device at IP address
set route net= mask= metric=2 wannname=ether gateway=
Example: Route Using a PPP Link
In this example, a route to a subnet is created over a PPP interface. Key features include the following:
•The address on the net field is IP address of a specific device, not a subnetwork address
•The WAN name is the name of a PPP user.
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