When a random measuring position and microphone orientation has been chosen press Enter. The measur- ing process will start and the display will show ‘Measuring room position 1’.
The measurement will stop prematurely if an error occurs during the measuring process. In this case, the error message ‘Retry room measurement – press Enter’ is displayed. Press Enter to continue.
If it is an error that needs correcting, then correct the error (see ‘RoomPerfect™
This process is repeated at least three times and until the RoomKnowledge reaches 90%.
Adding more Room Measurements
If you have performed successful measurements and RoomKnowledge has reached 90%, the message ‘Add more room meas.? Yes/No’ is displayed.
At this point, or any time later, you can decide whether the acquired room measurements are sufficient or you wish to add further room measurements to learn more about the room’s acoustical information. Adding more room measurements results in a higher RoomKnowledge, this in turn improves the room correction filters.
•Choose Yes to add more room measurements. The room measuring process is now continued as described in the previous section.
•Choose No when no additional measurements are required. The volume will now return to default volume or lower, depending on the volume you have entered the guided
The message ‘Save guided measurement - Yes/No’ will be displayed when exiting a successfully completed guided
•Choose Yes to save the results of the guided
•Choose No if you wish to exit the guided