Other Users
1.Start your web browser. In the Address box, enter:
HTTP://ip_address, where ip_address is the Storage Server’s IP Address (e.g. HTTP://
2.When prompted for the password, enter admin for the User Name. By default, there is no password for the admin user, but if you have set a password, you must enter it here.
3.You will then see the Storage Server Setup screen. If you have multiple Storage Servers, use the Connect button to switch to another Storage Server. Otherwise, click the Administration button to proceed to the Main Menu.
Main Menu
The Main Menu is divided into 2 groups: Configuration and Storage Management.
Main Menu Web Interface
•IP Address - Set IP Address, Subnet mask, and Gateway.
•DHCP - Enable and configure the DHCP Server function.
•DNS - (DNS) Domain Name Server IP Addresses.
•AppleTalk - Set the AppleTalk Zone. The default value is "*", which allows access by all zones.