NOTE: If you have a router on your LAN, ask your network administrator what values to use.
If you have made any changes, restart your PC.
Network Logon
To use the Storage Server, you must log on to the Network correctly:
1.Check your Window logon by going to the Network control panel. (Start>Settings>Control Panel>Network.) Confirm the Primary Network Logon is set to Client for Microsoft Networks, as shown below.
NOTE: If this is already set, there is no need to make any changes.
Network Control Panel
2.Windows will prompt you to Logon to the Network when it boots.
NOTE: You must logon. If you press ESC, or click Cancel, no network resources will be available.
3.Always log on with a valid User Name and Password.
•If the Storage Server administrator has defined users on the Storage Server, use the user name and password supplied.
•A user name and password not recognized by the Storage