2.If a line like the one highlighted (TCP/IP
Add> Protocol>Microsoft>TCP/IP>OK.
3.With the TCP/IP entry highlighted, click on the Properties button to bring up the TCP/IP Properties window. The IP Address tab will be selected.
TCP/IP Properties
DHCP Client Configuration:
•Select the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button, as shown above. If the DHCP Server in the Storage Server has been enabled, it will now provide an IP Address and related data to your PC when it boots.
•Restart your PC. (The DHCP client request is sent when your PC starts.)
Static IP Address Configuration:
If your PC is already configured, no changes are required. If you have just installed TCP/IP, select the Specify an IP Address radio button, and enter:
•IP Address and Subnet mask (IP Address tab selected.)
•Default Gateway Address (on the Gateway tab).
These values need to be compatible with other devices on your LAN. Each PC requires a unique IP Address (usually only the last field is different), and the same Subnet Mask. The IP Address range commonly used is to, with a subnet mask of
The Gateway IP Address of your Router or Internet Gateway. If you don't have either of these, leave the address at