MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
If your data device is an Asynchronous device, then click on Asynchronous check box, and set the Baud Rate by clicking on the Baud Rate down arrow and the drop down list box displays the baud rate. Also, select the Word Length, Parity, Stop Bits, etc. for your device. Refer to the user documentation for the parameters of the data device.
23.Click on OK when you are satisfied with your data port configurations.
24.If you enabled PPP in the WAN Ports Default Setup dialog box, proceed to step 36.
If you enabled Frame Relay in the WAN Ports Default Setup dialog box, the Frame Relay DLCI Default Setup dialog box is displayed with all the groups inactive.
Your MultiFRAD can detect DLCIs and the frame relay management type when the unit is connected to an active frame relay network service. At this point your MultiFRAD is not communicating with the frame relay network. But if you know your DLCIs and want to add them at this point, you can continue with the next step. If you wish to wait until your MultiFRAD is communicating with the frame relay network, proceed to step 36 to finish installing your software.
25.Click on the New