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The MultiFRAD 3060 allows up to six
Note: for the purposes of this manual, all future references to MultiFRAD should be taken to include both model MultiFRAD 3060 and MultiFRAD 3100, unless otherwise noted.
Voice/Fax Channel 8 | Voice/Fax Channel 7 | Voice/Fax Channel 6 | Voice/Fax Channel 5 |
Voice/Fax Channel 4 | Voice/Fax Channel 3 | Voice/Fax Channel 2 | Voice/Fax Channel 1 |
Router/Multiport Data/Voice/Fax
Frame Relay Access Device
Composite Link | Ethernet | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3 | Channel 4 | Channel 5 | Channel 6 | Channel 7 | Channel 8 | Channel 9 | Channel 10 |
Figure 1. MultiFRAD 3000-Series
Preview of this Guide
This User Guide describes the MultiFRAD and details how to install and configure it. The information contained in each chapter is as follows:
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Chapter 1 describes the MultiFRAD including front panel descriptions, back panel connectors, and relevant technical specifications.
Chapter 2 - Installation
This chapter provides information on unpacking and cabling your MultiFRAD. Safety Warnings are detailed, followed by the installation procedure in which each of the cables are connected to the MultiFRAD and the unit is powered on.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
Chapter 3 details the software loading and configuration procedures. The MultiFRAD software diskettes are windows based, and configuration options are available, and described in this chapter.
Chapter 4 - MultiFRAD Software
Chapter 4 describes the MultiFRAD software from an applications approach, and includes examples of possible uses.