MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
If you click on the DLCI button on the right side of the dialog box, the Frame Relay DLCI dialog box is displayed.
If you have connected to a frame relay service, this dialog box should display your current DLCI numbers automatically. It also shows the protocol mapping of the high lighted DLCI, which data port it is mapped to, and how you set up your Congestion Management, Mode, CIR, and Be values. To change the mapping of a DLCI, high light the DLCI number in the DLCIs: window on the left side of the dialog box. The dialog box will then change to the mapping of that DLCI. To add a new DLCI that has not been auto detected, click on the New (+) button and the Frame Relay New DLCI dialog box is displayed.
To add a new DLCI Number, enter the number in the Enter DLCI Number window. You do not have to enter the leading zeros.
When you click on the OK button, the new DLCI appears in the DLCI’s window in the Frame Relay DLCI dialog box.