Message | Causes | Corrective Actions |
Warning: Control | The control panel is not | Install the control panel, or |
Panel is not | installed or has a faulty cable | check the cable connections |
installed. | connection. | between the display module, |
| the control panel board, and |
| the system board. See |
| "Control Panel Assembly" on |
| page 101. |
Warning! No | Micro code update failed. | Update the BIOS firmware. |
micro code |
| See "Getting Help" on |
update loaded |
| page 133. |
for processor n. |
Warning! The system configuration of
Performance processor, memory modules,
degraded. CPU and expansion card may not and memory set to be supported by the power
minimumsupplies. frequencies to
meet PSU wattage. System will reboot.
If any system components were just upgraded, return the system to the previous configuration. If the system boots without this warning, then the replaced component(s) are not supported with this power supply. See "Power Supply" on page 97.
Warning! | Invalid memory | Ensure that the memory |
Unsupported | configuration. The system | modules are installed in a |
memory | will run but with reduced | valid configuration. See |
configuration | functionality. | "General Memory Module |
detected. The |
| Installation Guidelines" on |
memory |
| page 79. If the problem |
configuration is |
| persists, see |
not optimal. The |
| "Troubleshooting System |
recommended |
| Memory" on page 116. |
memory |
configuration |
is: <message> |
About Your System