| |
| 1. Troubleshooting |
Symptom | Possible cause | Action |
Multiple copy sets are | The settings in certain | In the application, turn off Col- |
mistakenly sorted and | applications may conflict | late and set the copy count to |
stapled together as a | with the printer driver set- | “1”. In the printer driver, make |
single large set. | tings. | the desired Sorting and copy |
| count settings. |
A large number of | The settings in certain | In the application, turn off |
copies are mistak- | applications may conflict | Collate and set the copy count to |
enly printed. | with the printer driver set- | “1”. In the printer driver, make |
| tings. | the desired Sorting and copy |
| count settings. |
If the problem persists even after these checks have been made, refer to the documentation for the machine.
Troubleshooting Chapter 4