Reference Manual R FR 5010 Version1.4
5101 rack frame may (due to the small airflow gap) restrict the flow of air to this piece of equipment. Also do not place equipment or objects on top of the R FR 5010 rack frame that could restrict airflow from the top of the rack. This may cause malfunction and damage due to excessive heat buildup.
Mechanical Installation
The R FR 5010 / R FR 5011 is secured into a standard
Front Panel Removal R FR 5010
The front panel is removed by simply rotating the thumbscrews one turn counterclockwise and pulling the panel outwards.
Front Panel Removal R FR 5011
The front panel is removed by simply rotating the thumbscrews one turn counterclockwise and pulling the panel outwards.
If you put back the Fan Front Cover of the R FR 5011 please make sure that the 9 Pin Sub D connector is connected correctly (see pictures below)
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