•none: disable the service.
•local: enable the service at LAN side only
•remote: enable the service at WAN side only
•both: enable the service at both LAN and WAN sides.
(2)To add an entry of IP range that to be enable to manage the gateway. Subnet mask of is for a host with the specific IP address.
Synopsis: remoteaccess iprange
•none: forbid the IP range to manage the 3G10WV.
•local: permit the IP range to manage the 3G10WV from LAN side only.
•remote: permit the IP range to manage the 3G10WV from WAN side only.
•both: permit the IP range to manage the 3G10WV from both LAN and WAN.
(3)To delete an entry of IP range that to be enable to manage the gateway.
Synopsis: remoteaccess iprange
(5)To display all current settings for remote access. Synopsis: remoteaccess show
(6)To view the usage of “remoteacesss” command. Synopsis: remoteaccess