Ultra Electronics Card Systems
Select the Next button:
Fill in the printer name (max. 32 characters, default Ultra card printer) and select the Next button.
Now indicate whether you would like to share the printer with other network users. If you will share the printer, fill in a Share Name for the printer and select one or more operating systems that will be used by the other PCs. Select Next to continue.
In the following dialogue select if you want to print a test page from Windows? Select the Finish button. Now the printer driver files will be copied.
A test page (card) will be printed, if selected.
Printer Setup
Printer Setup procedure to be followed if the default setting differs from your requirement:
Quick Start Guide
Select the Ultra card printer from the Printers folder:
Select Document defaults... from the File menu.
The dialogue that will be displayed consists of three ‘tabs’:
If the Setup tab is selected the following settings can be made:
MAGICARD TURBO Color Printer | Page 23 |