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Change client changes the current ICA Client device mapping settings.


change client

[/view /flush /current]

change client

[{/default [/default_drives] [/default_printers]}


[/ascending]] [/noremap] [/persistent] [/force_prt_todef]


[/delete host_device] [host_device client_device] [/?]



Specifies the name to be given to a mapped client device.


Specifies the name of a device on the client to be mapped to host_device.



Displays a list of all available client devices. Type net use to display current client device mappings.


Flushes the client drive mapping cache. This forces the MetaFrame server and the client to resynchronize all disk data.


Displays the current ICA Client device mappings.


Resets host drive and printer mappings to defaults.


Resets host printer mappings to defaults.


Resets host drive mappings to defaults.


Uses ascending, instead of descending, search order for available drives and printers to map. This option can only be used with /default, /default_drives, or /default_printer.

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Image 134
Citrix Systems 1.8 manual Change client View /flush /current, Flush, Current, Defaultprinters, Ascending