Click Advanced in Async Transport Configuration to access the Advanced Async Configuration dialog box. Use this dialog box to configure the following options:



Flow Control

Specifies the type of flow control to use for the connection.


Specifies the hardware signals that indicate the receive buffer is full.

Flow Control


Software Flow

Specifies the characters that stop and start data transmission.



DTR State

Specifies the state of the DTR signal (Always On or Always Off).

RTS State

Specifies the state of the RTS signal (Always On or Always Off).


Specifies the parity type.


Specifies the number of stop bits per character.


The number of data bits per character. Citrix ICA 3.0 requires


8 bits.


Click Test in Async Transport Configuration to access the Async Test dialog box. Use this dialog box to test a serial port and any connected devices.

The name of the serial port and the configured baud rate are displayed at the top of the window, along with a row of modem signal status indicators that show the status of the DTR, RTS, CTS, DSR, DCD, and RI signals. The terminal window allows you to send ASCII data to an attached device and displays any responses from the device. Characters entered are not echoed unless the attached device echoes them.

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Citrix Systems 1.8 manual RQILJXULQJ$GYDQFHG$V\QF2SWLRQV