ÃTo install DirectICA
1.Log on to the MetaFrame server as an administrator.
2.Insert the MetaFrame
3.Click the Start button and then click Run. Type d:\drctica\setup.exe where d: is the letter of the
4.The installation wizard guides you through the setup process.
5.A dialog appears asking you to read the Readme file. This file contains information not available at the time of printing this manual as well as useful information regarding the hardware setup.
6.If you have an ISA
By default, the DirectICA driver automatically selects an available base address (for the Maxspeed adapter) or IRQs (for the Stone Microsystems adapter) each time the driver is loaded during bootup. In most cases, you do not need to change these defaults. If desired, you can manually assign the IRQs or base address.
:DUQLQJ If the IRQ or base address settings conflict with other devices on the system, incorrect system operation (including rendering the system unbootable) can occur.
7.Restart the MetaFrame server. Watch the startup sequence to make sure the DirectICA driver loads successfully and detects the DirectICA stations. If you experience problems, see “Troubleshooting” later in this appendix.
8.After the MetaFrame server restarts, see “Enabling DirectICA Stations” later in this appendix for instructions on enabling the DirectICA stations.
If DirectICA is uninstalled, the Microsoft client licenses used by DirectICA stations are unavailable for other clients to use. If you reinstall DirectICA, the DirectICA stations are automatically