Citrix Systems 1.8 manual Noremap, Persistent, Forceprttodef

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If /noremap is specified, client drives that conflict with MetaFrame drives are not mapped.


Saves the current client drive mappings in the user’s profile.


Sets the default printer for the MetaFrame client session to the default printer on the client’s Windows desktop.

/delete host_device

Deletes the client device mapping to host_device.

/? (help)

Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.


Typing change client with no parameters displays the current ICA Client device mappings. This is equivalent to typing change client /current.

Use change client host_device client_device to create a client drive mapping. This maps the client_device drive letter to the letter specified by host_device; for example, change client v: c: maps client drive C to drive V on the MetaFrame server.

The /view option displays the share name, the share type, and a comment

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The /flush option flushes the client drive cache. This cache is used to speed up access to client disk drives by retaining a local copy of the data on the MetaFrame server. The timeout for hard drive cache entries is ten minutes and the timeout for diskette data is five seconds. If the client PC is using a multitasking operating system and files are created or modified, the MetaFrame server does not know about the changes. Flushing the cache forces the data on the MetaFrame server to be synchronized with the client data. The cache timeout for diskettes is set to five seconds because diskette data is usually more volatile; that is, the diskette can be removed and another diskette inserted.

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Citrix Systems 1.8 manual Noremap, Persistent, Forceprttodef