ÃTo filter servers

1.From the View menu, click Select Server.

2.In the Select Citrix Server dialog box, click Filter Servers By. The Filter Servers By dialog box appears. Select the criterion, or criteria, by which you want to filter your servers. For example, if you select Load Balancing and SecureICA (North American), the applications displayed are those running on servers with SecureICA Services North American version and Load Balancing Services installed.

3.After selecting the desired capabilities and requirements, click OK. You are returned to the Select Citrix Server By dialog box. The servers in the list meet the specified criteria. Select the individual servers or All Filtered Servers and click OK. When you return to Published Application Manager’s main window, the applications displayed are those that are hosted by servers that meet your requirements.


The following topics describe how to configure four different types of published application: standard, video, Citrix IMS, and load balanced.

Before publishing applications, please review the following information on configuring users and user groups for access to published applications.


Before publishing applications, consider your base of ICA Client users and the Windows NT user accounts they must use to access the applications you publish. Application Publishing provides ICA session access to two types of user accounts: anonymous and explicit.

1RWH The total number of users, whether anonymous or explicit, who can be logged on to the MetaFrame server at the same time is contingent upon your licensed user count.


During MetaFrame installation, the Setup program creates a special user group called Anonymous. By default, this Citrix-created Windows NT user group contains 15 user accounts with account user names in the format Anonx, where x is a number in the form 000, 001,... up to 015. Anonymous users have guest permissions by default.

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Citrix Systems 1.8 manual 3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV, RQILJXULQJ8VHUV, $QRQ\PRXV8VHUV, To filter servers