Your MetaFrame package includes the following printed documentation:
The CD liner notes includes an overview of the product, Citrix support information, and instructions for activating your Citrix software licenses.
The MetaFrame Administrator’s Guide tells administrators how to install,
uconfigure, and maintain MetaFrame servers.
The Citrix ICA Client Quick Reference Cards give users
Your MetaFrame software includes the following online documentation in uWinHelp format in the MetaFrame Books Online:
The MetaFrame Solutions Guide gives administrators detailed information about planning, deploying, and configuring
The Citrix ICA Client Administrator’s Guides tell administrators how to
uinstall, configure, and deploy the various ICA Clients to
To access MetaFrame Books Online, click MetaFrame Books Online in the
MetaFrame Tools folder.
All of the documentation for MetaFrame is also available in Adobe PDF format in the documentation directory of your MetaFrame
,PSRUWDQW Please consult the Readme.txt file in the root directory of your MetaFrame