After you publish an application, you can later change its properties. Common reasons to change a published application’s settings include when you want to:
uRename the published application. This modification changes the name under which ICA Client users access the application.
uChange the list of users allowed to run the application.
uChange the list of Citrix servers hosting the application.
uChange the command line and working directory for the application. This modification alters the path information for the application’s executable, IMS script (for Citrix IMS applications), or Citrix Video Information file (for published videos). You can also edit or add parameters to the command line when applicable.
uChange Program Neighborhood settings applied to this application when it is accessed by a Program Neighborhood (for applications created in the server farm management scope only).
1RWH The properties of applications published for a Citrix server farm (or migrated into a server farm) cannot be edited when viewed from the Windows NT domains scope (all tabs in the dialog box are
ÃTo change the properties of a published application
∙Select the entry for the published application. From the Application menu, click Properties or
When you publish an application, it is enabled by default. Enabled applications are available to the users you specify in the new application wizard. You can also temporarily disable your published applications. Disabling an application makes it unavailable to ICA Client users until you
ÃTo disable an application
∙Select the entry for the published application. From the Application menu, click Disable or
ÃTo enable an application
∙Select the entry for the published application. From the Application menu, click Enable or