8.The Modems Properties dialog box appears.

To change the configuration of an existing modem, select the modem and click Properties. To add another modem, click Add and repeat Steps 1 through 5. When you are finished, click Close and then click Next in the TAPI Modem Setup dialog box.


Use unattended setup to install or upgrade MetaFrame without operator intervention.

Unattended setup uses an optional answer file to provide answers to the questions asked during Setup. If you do not use an answer file, or if you use an answer file but do not specify answers to some questions, default answers are used for those questions.

The default answers used are:

uNo licenses are added

uICA connections are configured for all network protocols already configured in Terminal Server

uAsynchronous ICA connections are configured for all modems already configured in the Modems control panel

uServer drives are not reassigned

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