This command is identical to aclcheck. It performs a file security audit on the specified directory or drive letter. Query acl reports file accesses allowed by accounts other than Administrator, Administrators, or SYSTEM. Query acl can also generate a report of registry keys that have Delete, Write, Add, Link, Change Permissions, or Take Ownership permissions for
query acl [path] [/registry_only /files_only [/ignore_execute]] [/?]
The name of the drive or directory path to audit.
Does not report files with user Execute permissions.
Checks only the system registry.
Checks only disk files.
/? (help)
Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.
Query acl generates a report of potential security exposures on a MetaFrame server. Query acl reports excessive file or registry accesses allowed by accounts other than Administrator, Administrators, and SYSTEM.
The file report shows any files that have Delete, Write, Append, Execute (unless the /ignore_execute option is specified), Change Permissions, or Take Ownership permissions for
The registry report shows any registry keys that have Delete, Write, Add, Link, Change Permissions, or Take Ownership permissions for