The /default option maps the drives and printers on the client PC to mapped drives and printers on the MetaFrame server. The A and B drives are always mapped to A and B on the MetaFrame server. Hard drives are mapped to their corresponding drive letters if those drive letters are available on the MetaFrame server. If the corresponding drive letter is in use on the MetaFrame server, the default action is to map the drive to the highest unused drive letter. For example, if both machines have C and D drives, the client C and D drives are mapped to V and U respectively. These default mappings can be modified by the / ascending and /noremap options.
The /default_printers option resets host printer mappings to defaults.
/default_printers attempts a
The /default_drives option resets host drive mappings to defaults.
/default_drives attempts a
The /ascending option causes the mapping to occur in ascending drive letter order. For example, if the first two available drive letters on the MetaFrame server are I and J, the C and D drives in the preceding example are mapped to I and J respectively.
The /noremap option causes the mapping to skip drive letters occupied on the MetaFrame server. For example, if the MetaFrame server has a C drive but no D drive, the client’s D drive is mapped, but not the C drive.
The /persistent option causes the current device mappings to be saved in the user’s profile. Note that drive conflicts can occur if the user logs on from another client PC with different disk drives or logs onto a MetaFrame server with a different disk drive configuration.
The /force_prt_todef option sets the default printer for the Citrix ICA Client session to the default printer on the client’s Windows desktop.