Management | SNMP |
Objects for Monitoring and Control
RU Bandwidth Monitoring
•ruEthRXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the Ethernet port over the period specified by ruStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
•ruEthTXAvgThroughputLog - Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the Ethernet port over the period specified by ruStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
•ruRfRXAvgThroughputLog - Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the RF link over the period specified by ruStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
•ruRfTXAvgThroughputLog - Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the RF link over the period specified by ruStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
•ruRfInOctets – Number of octets of payload transmitted from MU’s RF port.
•ruRfOutOctets – Number of octets of payload received on MU’s RF port.
MU Bandwidth Monitoring
•mutrafficEthRXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the Ethernet port over the period of 1 minute.
•mutrafficEthTXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the Ethernet port over a period of 1 minute.
•mutrafficRfRXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the RF link over a period of 1 minute.
•mutrafficRfTXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the RF link over the period of 1 minute.
•mutrafficEthInOctets – Number of octets of payload received on the Ethernet port.
•mutrafficEthOutOctets – Number of octets of payload transmitted on the Ethernet port.
•mutrafficRfInOctets – Number of octets of payload received on the RF port.
•mutrafficRfOutOctets – Number of octets of payload transmitted on the RF port.
Link Status Monitoring
•Cold start – when SNMP agent starts running
•Link Up – when the MU enters Opmode “On”
•Link Down – when the MU reboots
•RU Link Up – when RU associates to the MU
•RU Link Down – when RU disassociates from the MU
•Opmode “On” Failure – when MU fails to enter Opmode “On”
MU and RU Control – SNMP also provides several control capabilities. The majority of the features available on the CLI are also available via SNMP. Here are a few of these features:
•Add/delete remote
•Change channel
•Set power
•Set radio sensitivity
Review the Trango MIB (trango_P5830Sap_1p0.mib) for the complete listing of MIB Objects.
Trango Broadband Wireless — | page 24 |