Getting Started
Log into the MU, and the System Information page with info and status appears. The equivalent command for the CLI is
This particular System Information page is for a Master Unit, which is evidenced by the model number
The following describes the primary features and pages of the HTTP Browser interface:
Navigation Column: The blue rectangular column on the left of all pages. The top displays the model number of the radio to which you are connected. On the bottom of the Navigation Column is the Current Status of the radio, including current Opmode, active channel, remote ID, and remote status. The navigation column also contains all of the hotlinks to the other pages.
System Information Page: Shows most of the basic configuration parameters of the radio. It is the first page shown after login.
Configuration Page: The essential parameters, such as IP address, remote unit ID, channel, and polarization, are set here.
Advanced Setup Page: RF parameters, such as Transmit Power, are set here.
Site Survey Page: From here, in Opmode “Off,” the user can conduct a spectrum analysis.
Link Control Page: With this page you can determine which SUs are connected, and how they are performing.
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